The Boonyaratglin Solution
The Shining Path leads to Yangon.
Skip Sievert is holiding out for a military coup d'etat as a path toward establishing the United Technates of America. Today, I caught him writing:
The military is thinking of doing some other things to him right now.
I believe Bush is looking over his shoulder and is very nervous .
Could he become the first president of the U.S. to be deposed.?
I hope so.
This guy deserves way more than impeachment.
How about a bloodless coup.?
It will never come to that you say.?
How can we trust those other politicians that are known flunkies for the corporations to do the right thing.?
They are like Bush in that they do not actually care about the American people.
Just who is buttering their bread.
Can Bush go on for another two years.? I doubt it.
If the politicians won`t remove him, the military may.

Most Americans, and I hope all of the American military, would view a military coup in the United States as a worse extra-constitutional solution than the unconstitutional neocon cancer of Rove and Bush and Cheney.

That is just about the dumbest thing I have every read in my life. I now think you are mostly an idiot.
You are nothing more than a brainwashed victim of the current corporatocracy. You are to dumb to even know that we don`t live in a Democracy.? Ha Ha.~ ! ~
You are a cog, and a pawn.
Your post has no merit.
As I mentioned you have your title as the anti-technocracy forum, and you call yourself fair and balanced.
That is idiotic.
That you are a left wing brainwashed Democrat is apparent. There really is no difference between a left wing brainwashed Democrat and a right wing brainwashed Republican.
You are a victim of the system. Somewhat robot like as being programmed with lies.
You caught me writing.? It was a public post dumb ass.
As I have mentioned there is not a concept as the United Technates of America dumb ass.
I hope the military does bring him down. Yes , I would love it if our current fascist/authoritarian group of born agains , and orthodox Jews and other religious cranks that control our political system were overthrown and our form of government gotten rid of.
In case you did not know the religious creeps have taken over. Us the British and Israel are the real axis of evil, if there is such a thing. Are you a born again.?
You know political flunkies like you are the problem.
As said that was just about the most pathetically contrived thing I have ever read. Give it up. Get a life, and try to understand the real dynamic of what is happening, if you have the intellectual chops for it, which this post would indicate perhaps you don`t.
Thursday, 28 September, 2006
I might add that the coup in Thailand was welcomed by the people. The Thais are not stupid as a group. They got sick of the corruption.
Our punishment of withholding some money from them will not be looked on kindly by Thailand.
There is a reason that the politicos have made a show of condemning Thailand.
They are nervous they will suffer the same fate. I hope they do.
Americans are cowards though. Especially the brainwashed political flunkies , like the ones who wrote this post. They care for nothing but what they are brainwashed with.
Vi Va La Thailand. We should be so lucky.
Mostly Buddhists there by the way. That isn`t a religion. dumb ass.
Thursday, 28 September, 2006
I don`t want a coup recidivist.
That would be an extreme thing and could turn violent.
I am just saying that is how it may turn out.
It appears that way to me , and others.
No one knows what will happen.
I predict this though because of the separation of our political system from the actual people.
To me this might represent the lesser of possible evils.
When I say, I hope so , what I am saying is that some of the other choices seem even worse.
It may become the duty of our military in a serve and protect mode to save and protect us from our political system which no longer represents the people of north America.
Friday, 29 September, 2006
Thanks Soros I will look into it.
Sometimes the word is used in way that implies a utilitarian approach.
Bush has even used the word on occasion in the early Iraq days to describe trying to organize things.
Have you yourself looked into the North American Technate idea. ?
We include Canada, U.S. , Mexico, and Latin America , and the top of S. America in our construct. Mostly that area because of the resource base.
I hope if you haven`t that you check into it a bit. is the official site. Thanks.
I appreciate your interest.
Thursday, 12 October, 2006
Here's an interesting quote that might reinforce Skip's hope for a military coup:
"If voting could change the system, it would be illegal."
--Theodore Adorno (Who the heck is he?)
Monday, 06 November, 2006
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