Fair & Balanced (To the Max)

Friday, September 01, 2006

In the Beginning . . .

Skip Sievert says, in Technocracy that the Technocracy movement in North America
has to do with: changing over from a price system which uses money, to an energy debit system, which uses something real, and not an abstract concept to measure things. Technocracy is a philosophical, cultural concept which uses science as a means of creating a different kind of society. The aim of Technocracy is to remove the current price system method. Our present form of government is thereby removed. No more politicians, No more economic system with its roots in the class or caste system. Instead of buying some thing you would use your energy debit card which you have as a right of citizenship. This type of society is based on a secular humanistic approach. Would it be nice if the motivation in our society was not money which measures nothing except an abstract concept called debt ? What do you think ? People in this society always opt for more money, hence almost all choices are based on the false value of the concept of money.~`! What would it be like if technology was freed from the profit motive ? What would it be like if education was not factored using money as a condition. Environmental clean up would not cost any thing if things were not measured in what our society calls money. Money as stated earlier is an abstract concept. -The amount of energy it takes to create a consumer product would be the new way of accounting in a Technate. Change the societal template and society changes. In effect -- change the rules of the game - and the players change their approach in a dramatic way. As we become closer and closer to a societal collapse , I would encourage all and every one to take a look at the real alternative, Technocracy. Are we doomed in the present system ? Yes. Is there hope with a system that is based on the concepts of Technocracy ? Yes. Explore Technocracy. . . .


Blogger J.C. said...

Thank you, your quote of me was totally accurate. I appreciate that. Keep in mind that technocracy is not about me. It is about all the people who are interested in it and know something about it.
The reason that the Hearst Corporation made the subject off limits in the middle thirties is because the more they tried to debunk it , the more they talked about it in the open media the more positive attention it got from ordinary people. They then decided to never bring it up again.
It is my hope that your new attention to the subject will garner it more interest.
Why you and some others apparently think it is related to Communism I don`t know. I have tried to explain that to you. I have to think you just don`t care to know how it actually works , and what our actual program is. It has remained pretty much the same since 1934, so it is not like we are trying to hide anything. We were investigated by Hoover in the 50`s and given a clean bill of health. We are an educational and research organization. It just so happens that we are also calling for a different type of governance for North America. What we call a Technate. It does not look much like what we have now. If you actually read about it you might become interested.
It doesn`t help your anti cause to much that you haven`t looked at our precedent document that we base it all on , the 1934 Technocracy Study Course. I suggest that you educate yourselves as to what Technocracy is , and not what you think it is, without knowing anything.

Thursday, 07 September, 2006

Blogger Messenger said...

If you were investigated by Hoover in the 50`s, you can't be all wrong. But I'd be concerned about being given a clean bill of health.

Friday, 08 September, 2006

Blogger J.C. said...

They gave us the clean bill of health because we are not actually calling for the overthrow of the government.
However that is indirectily our plan obviously, because we propose a complete redirection to a different type of society , that does not include our current political system. As a research and educational group around since the 30`s we have probably been investigated more than any other group. Why.? Because we are the only real threat to the system, or the status quo.~ ! The system abides us. Why.? I think because so many of our members are movers and shakers, or were in the past.
I think something like 6 or 7 of F.D.R.`s inner circle were technocrats. J.F.K`s energy advisor was the guy that wrote most of the Technocracy Study Course M.King Hubbert, also the man you might know as the guy who came up with the Hubbert Curve. A famous math formulae for finding peak oil.
Hubbert is considered one of the premier scientists of the 20th century. Einstein knew about Technocracy and endorsed it . There is a whole laundry list of people we don`t brag about because we figure people will find out about that if they dig enough and are interested to get involved. Our movement has always sided with humans. Always secular and humanitarian. Freedom of and from belief. That is built into it. I am very proud to be a part of it. The movement started as the first proto think tank out of Columbia University.
So the system abides us. I think because they expect us to succeed. The corporations don`t like us though because we are telling the truth. Some of the religious cranks don`t either for the same reason. As mentioned Fema was originaly intended to be the bridge to the technate.
There is a reason why Bush got rid of it. A big reason. Now the system is eyeing Bush. The military is , and thinking they may get rid of him. Think I am kidding.? The military could be the ones that put us into a technate. Maybe. It has been talked about for a long time. Now Bush has put a military commander in charge of the continental U.S. - You guys follow that stuff right.? Why.? He wants to remain in control during a meltdown. Is that a good idea.? Our country was not setup that way for reasons. We are now under a fascist regime. This is a weird time for sure.
We just plug along. A whole lot of people who are in the military and the political and business system know about us. We represent hope to many people. How will it play out. We don`t now. We just try and make our plan known. After we succeed Technocracy inc is out of a job. Thats what we want.

Friday, 08 September, 2006

Blogger J.C. said...

Let me mention again that any interested parties can find out more about Technocracy at;
Also Google, Forward Guard -, an interesting site that is fairly new. These are all good reference points to learn more about the Technocracy movement.

Are we calling for the overthrow of our government.? We don`t express it that way. No , just an evolution into a system that makes more sense than the current Price System method. That in effect gets rid of the corporate control of our political system that is destroying our nation and the world. Their interest is making something that measures nothing real and also makes people do very counter productive things; money.
This economic club is very effective in humiliating people.
Any one who does actually think that we live in a free society, have an open , and fair political system, don`t live in a kind of corporate concentration camp, is not really aware of our current Price System , and how it operates. Technocracy wish`s to have a secular/humanitarian system , based on Science, not belief. The price system depends on a class or caste system to perpetuate itself.
Many of the religious flunkies that they employ as their front men are ignorant and merely soldiers of a sort, for more aware flunkies, who desire more money at any cost to the environment or any cost of human humiliation.
Find out more at the sites above.

Saturday, 09 September, 2006


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