Who Can Save Burma?

Much attention is placed on China and its coming hosting of the Olympic Games as a diplomatic pressure point on the rampant Burmese junta. But there is a group of government businessmen-technocrats in Singapore who will also be closely monitoring the brutality in Rangoon. And, were they so inclined, their influence could go a long way to limiting the misery being inflicted on Burma's 54 million people.Nor is there any hope from China:
Collectively known as "Singapore Inc", they gather around the $A150 billion state-owned investment house Temasek Holdings, controlled by a member of the ruling Lee family.
With an estimated $A3 billion staked in the country (and a more than $20 billion stake in Australia), Singapore Inc companies have been some of the biggest investors in and supporters of Burma's military junta — this while its Government, on the rare times it is asked, suggests a softly-softly diplomatic approach towards the junta.
When it comes to Burma, Singapore pockets the high morals it likes to wave at the West elsewhere. Singapore's one-time head of foreign trade once said as his country was building links with Burma in the mid-1990s: "While the other countries are ignoring it, it's a good time for us to go in … you get better deals, and you're more appreciated … Singapore's position is not to judge them and take a judgemental moral high ground."
But by providing Burma's pariah junta with the crucial equipment mostly denied by Western sanctions, Singapore has helped keep the junta and its cronies afloat for 20 years, since the last time the generals killed the citizens they are supposed to protect.
Withdraw that financial support and Burma's junta would be substantially weakened, perhaps even fail. But after two decades of profitable business with the trigger-happy generals and their cronies, that's about the last thing Singapore is likely to do. There's too much money to be made.
Every current regime has its own guilt feelings about their failed past actions that when reminded, struck deep regret and confusion among their leaders. In the current global order, every nation who has a part to play to change the fate of Burma is ruled by either a dimwit or a technocrat.Neither will there be any solace from Thailand, which is now ruled by Technocrats.
China, who is dubbed as the regional power in this part of the globe will never lift a finger in favor of Democracy. Remembering its own Tienanmen nightmare and Tibetan occupation, they would rather stay quiet about Myanmar rather than risk exposing its own rotting domestic policies.
Technates are soul-less. They just want order, tranquility and productivity.
Well thats interesting, but it does not really relate to what Technocracy has planned for North America. Scientific governance.
The so called Technocrats that you are referring to are in no way connected to the concepts of Technocracy Inc.
That information is given out in the last two chapters of the Technocracy Study Course.
These people mentioned are money manipulators and Technocracy does not use money.
The Application of Science To The Means Whereby We Live.
Through countless centuries man has found his own security in the insecurity of others, has found his own economic and cultural haven at the expense of poverty and subservience in the majority, has found that a higher station in life was possible only for the few, not the multitude.
Throughout man's history a gigantic effort has been going on to erase from the face of the earth all evil between individuals, and so called races, and nations.
The approach has been an attempt at reforming and converting the individual with the hope that sufficient numbers of "good" men and women gathered in all lands might allow a lasting agreement upon the existing physical conflicts to be achieved.
There is no need to picture here the futility of this approach and its very evident failure to accomplish the idealistic dreams.
It is perhaps one of the major ironies of history that a new and the only adequate approach should have been projected and offered by certain interpreters of applied physical science who distinctly disclaim as their motivating force all idealistic searches for truth, love, peace, harmony, and other imponderables.
These interpreters, men of science, undertook an analysis of the operational problems of the North American Continental area.
From this analysis they synthesized a technological design of social operation which they predicted as the next most probable form of social control in this area.
It was objectively presented.
By it, human history can become for the first time a planned progression, based on an a quantitative analysis of the continental totality, as contrasted with the old haphazard increment of the components peculiar to evolution; i.e. the planned arrival of the fittest, instead of the mere survival of the fittest.
It is precisely the intricate immenseness of the Continental Problems arising in the control and operation of a unique high-energy civilization that requires and results in a unique and entirely new social methodology.
While it may seem to have similarities with some aspects of other programs that are currently used, it does not actually.
It is a whole lot more creative, and is not based on Price System methods, as the ones listed in the case of Singapore or other Asian areas.
Monday, 01 October, 2007
This is fucking stupid. A Technate is like the polar opposite of a police state. The only thing being controlled is technology. People are free to do whatever they want. Of course there would still be prohibitions against murder, rape, etc. With everyone's basic needs met it is estimated these would be greatly reduced anyway.
Burma is in no way a Technate, it is a police state. Do some research. I am not a member but I have read that a lot of members are people that tried for years to refute technocracy only to fail. I have read this because I have done my homework, unlike you. You discredit yourself when you make unsubstantiated claims like these.
Also I would take skip with a grain of salt. Nothing against him but I have read on several forums that he is no longer an official member although I am not sure as to why.
You see, this is how you get information - go read the forums and the material. Stop being lazy.
Wednesday, 05 December, 2007
This might be way beyond the intellectual level of the author and readers of this blog, but here you go. I bet though that most of you will just think it is too long and won't even read it, it's like maybe 5 pages.
As a forward: at the present rate of increase the price of a gallon of gasoline will be $7.09 5 years from now. It is estimated that the rate of increase will increase with time so it will likely be more expensive than 7.09 - maybe around $10. That's 5 years from now, mind you. The alternatives such as solar and wind will not come online fast enough in the given time frame to even make a dent.
From the technocracy website, technocracy.org:
What does Technocracy have to do with Peak Oil, and how can it help?
If you have familiarized yourself with some of the previous resources, you will begin to notice that there are places where they differ, and places where they agree. One of the things that they tend to disagree on is what can be done about Peak Oil. Some suggest radical reformation of the economy; some may suggest electing a more environmentally friendly party into government. One point that all of the most reputable and scientific sources do agree on is that there is no replacement for fossil fuels, and that the only way for us to continue living is to drastically reduce consumption. The problem with this is that our society depends on the consumption of certain materials in order to maintain our relatively comfortable, technological lifestyles. If we were to simply reduce how much energy we consume to a level that is sustainable with today's technology, more than half of the population of North America would die due to things such as starvation, disease, exposure, and even violence. On the other hand, if we do nothing about it, then the economy will collapse, and our consumption will be reduced for us, resulting in basically the same things. So what do we do?
Technocracy has foreseen all of this long ago. It has scientifically predicted that our style of economy, called a Price System, is dependent on exponential growth and waste. These scientists knew that such a system was unsustainable, and provided a sustainable alternative many decades ago. Since then, many of their predictions have come true. The stock market crash of 1929 came only 6 months earlier than they had predicted years in advance, at a time when everyone believed that nothing could ever hurt the economy again. M. King Hubbert, Co-founder of Technocracy, predicted the US Oil Peak during the 1970s, and that came to pass with terrible consequences for the US ever since. Now that the global Peak Oil crisis looms just around the corner, Technocracy again stands ready to present its alternative for a sustainable and abundant future one last time, before the opportunity forever passes us by.
It is beyond the scope of this web page to inform you of all the details of Technocracy's design for North America. All we can hope to do is show you that there is enough potential in our presentation to make it worthwhile for you to look into it some more. Technocracy is a non-profit educational organization, much like a school, and we are here to assist you in whatever ways you need to learn about this alternative. We provide numerous resources for you to do this, as described below.
So why does Technocracy think that its proposal can "save" us from Peak Oil? Quite simply Technocracy's plan knows how to do more with less. Technocracy's design will allow all North Americans to live with a standard of living many times greater than is the average even today. Not only this, but is does so by using far less, both in terms of resources and labour. The calculations done as part of the initial study performed by Technocracy's scientists back in 1930 showed that at that time it would be possible for every citizen to have a standard of living the equivalent of a lower-upper class income, and only have to work for 16 hours per week, with 2 and a half months vacation per year, at a job that they have both chosen and were well trained for. Also included were things such as free, high-quality education and health care, indefinite maternity rights, and retirement at age 45 with no loss of income or benefits. How they could achieve this was through an ingenious reorganization of continent-wide industry, that would unleash its potential to produce this "abundance" for all. They showed conclusively how business, politics, and money were all holding back this production, and causing ever-greater need of waste of resources. The key was automation, which allows us to produce more while requiring less resources to do it, as well as less labour to operate these machines.
Today it is obvious that automation has improved many thousands of times, with the advent of the computer and industrial robotics. There in no longer any need whatsoever for anyone to have to work at a menial labor or unskilled service-industry job because it can all be performed by machines. By harnessing automation like this, we consume far less resources, including energy, and can still increase our overall standard of living. One estimate shows how by simply reworking the continental transportation system, we could operate our entire society on as little as 5% of the energy we consume today, with no corresponding drop in standard of living! Adjustments in other areas would allow us to decrease even this number, but it should be obvious that with so little energy consumption, and the enhanced abilities of scientific research allowed by a society of abundance, we would have plenty of time to devise alternative and sustainable sources of energy that would also be non-polluting.
Now all this may seem hard to believe, even utopist. However, it has all been scientifically calculated and confirmed, many times. The scope of this science is vast, but Technocracy as an educational organization has created several methods for you to learn all you need to about it so that you can confirm for yourself the validity of Technocracy's conclusions. The most important of these is the Technocracy Study Course. It is a 23-lesson course that takes you through each area of Technocracy's analysis, so that you can see what solid, scientific principles it is based on, as well the logical progression of how they came to their conclusions and subsequent design. It also includes methods and resources for you to check up on and confirm Technocracy's data for yourself, if you are so inclined. It takes some time to complete, but it is the most certain way for you to learn about Technocracy.
For those without the time or perhaps simply the inclination to become an "expert" on Technocracy, we provide the booklet entitled "Technocracy: Technological Continental Design". A much shorter version of our Study Course text, which condenses most of the underlying science and concentrates instead on the design concepts of Technocracy. Also included is a Questions and Answers section to address some of the most common questions people have about Technocracy. Both of these books are now available for download via the links provided, while copies of the latter are available in print by contacting Technocracy's CHQ.
So in conclusion, Technocracy is the only solution to the problems facing us with Peak Oil. We hope that you will take the time to investigate Technocracy, and see for yourself how much brighter of a future lies ahead, especially when compared to the grim alternative facing us with Peak Oil.
Wednesday, 05 December, 2007
As far as implementation, you should know that many of FDRs cabinet members were once members of technocracy or at least acquainted with the concepts. If enough people in the government had the knowledge of the concepts they could put it to a ballot. Technocracy would support a 2/3rd majority vote to install a technate.
So, the goal is to educate, not play politics.
Wednesday, 05 December, 2007
Do you know why we won WWII?
We would have lost the war under price system conditions.
At the start of the war - only 600 fighter planes produced each year.
After money was abandoned and replaced with a system of resource accounting (rationing) more than 90,000 planes were made each year.
There was not enough money to buy all those planes. And if more money was created, the value of it would decrease so that would not have helped. It was only by utilizing the resources and ignoring money that we attained such a high level of production.
After we won the war, we went back to the price system. You see, businesses make more money by enforcing scarcity. You can't make a profit by selling air.
Or they just jack up the price by more than %1000 the cost of production like Nike shoes (or basically any other large corporation)
Rolls Royce - handmade so only a few hundred are built each year. So they are "worth" millions. It would be just as easy to automate the whole process and churn them out 24 hours a day, but then they would be worth as much as any other car. Are you beginning to understand?
Keep in mind energy accounting is not the same thing as existing during WWII. This is just an example of how inefficient the price system is.
Wednesday, 05 December, 2007
Listen Patrick, people that post here are about as clueless as the people that post on TechnocracyCa or Network of European Technocrats.
The site itself does not in any way understand the basics of Technate design where it came from or what its purpose is.
By the way ... the copy of the Study Course you have is bogus. It does not contain the energy survey which is located after the last two chapters of the Technate design.
A new copy of the original paper copy of the Technocracy Study Course is currently being scanned and should be available soon through TNAT The North American Technate.
Also you do no one a favor by promoting the TTCD Q&A Faq's material.
By promoting it you do not promote Technocracy Technate design.
The Washington group is no longer presenting the actual Technate design information.
The North American Technate TNAT
Saturday, 02 February, 2008
Skip and Patrick, a sense of humor, please. Blogging for Food put a lot of work on this site: it's intellectually healthy to have dissent.
Wiki had a succinct overview. I find some value in the technocratic perspective; but, as a generalist, I tend to find value in many ideologies and perspectives. Others, render me unsure.
Skip, I did chuckle when I stumbled across this website, but no disrespect intended.
Sunday, 17 February, 2008
Not to worry Stella .. Blogging for Food does not care is we trash back and forth a little here.
Patrick is a newcomer that is learning a lot of new info.
Since there is a bit of bogus info out there courtesy of an unnamed Canadian website... not to mention some really controlled and dumbed down wikipedia editors.. I was just mentioning a couple things to him.
Thanks for the feedback.
Sunday, 17 February, 2008
I'm glad y'all having fun in my play pen.
IMO, without further analysis, is that regimating humans into any kind of system (regimen) requires a state apparatus. Marxism/Leninism taught that you will not be able to pry the ill-gotten gains of the ruling class away from their greedy little fingers with out without blood and steel. They do not surrender the goods out of patriotism or altruism. Technates are perfect for super humans. However, before Skip came alive in the Internet, I had never met one. For myself, I accept the role Skip has assigned me: I'm just a cog, serving capitalism unwillingly, but serving nonetheless.
As far as not 'studying' in 'technocracy' or reading/buying Skip's books, why should I read this rubbish? I don't read any science fiction.
Sunday, 17 February, 2008
There is only one suggested book Food Blogger and that is the Technocracy Study Course. Its free.
We just did a new scan of it and it will be available again to the public in its unabridged original form shortly.
It is suggested reading for any one interested in understanding this concept.
It is not related to science fiction.. it is the Technate design and precludes special interest group control.. gets rid of money.. and lets loose a whole lot of creativity in a secular human context.
We are getting rather close to a meltdown as to credit collapse and environmental destruction.
Technocracy Technate design is the viable alternative.
It sounds a whole lot better than a collapsed fascist socialist state with a Price System and so called Democracy.
Our role has been to get the information as to the real alternative.
We have no assumption to power theory and never have.
We do however endorse a referendum vote and also Technocracy ideas are well known in the upper levels of intelligence and military agency's.
After a collapse we may be in at least a partial Technate if we go with the old Fema program.. not the current one with the Whitehouse and Congress running it under homeland defense.
The original Fema was designed by Technocrats to bring in the first Technate. It pulled the plug on the Political system.
The Politcos got rid of it for that reason. They see what is coming and want to continue to control the current Price System method.
Things are about to get very interesting in the U.S.
Sunday, 17 February, 2008
Well, since you mention it, this IS a great playpen. Patrick, Skip mentioned that 17 technocrats were in FDR's cabinet (right, Skip?) That's an area I'd like to study more closely.
Monday, 24 March, 2008
Yes that is right.
Our group also designed Fema as an entrance to a different type of society.
That was all destroyed by homeland defense.
Now it may happen... but it will all be the hard way.
Chaos approaches.
Origin of the Political/Price System TNAT TheNorthAmericanTechnate
Technate - An Idea For Now Stephen L. Doll.
The American Political Price System TNAT info.
The North American Technate TNAT
Wednesday, 26 March, 2008
Stella, with that plunging neckline, you're always welcome to play in my play pen! Can I get you something to drink?
Thursday, 27 March, 2008
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